Social Studies
Public policies are the choices the government makes and the actions it takes in response to an issue or problem. Public policy can form public opinion, as citizens react to government action, or public opinion can form public policy. If enough citizens decide that a policy or action is needed, they can convince government officials through a number of means to change public policy.

People can influence public policies by
- Voting
- Protest
- Write letters to politicians or to garner public support
- Attend public hearings
- Join and support private organizations or interest groups
Examples of policy issues include
- Immigration and immigration reform: In 2010, President Obama promised to fix the 'broken immigration system.' Yet, from January to April 2010, due to the lack of national policy, local governments created 1,180 different bills and resolutions related to immigration. The most controversial law was passed in April 2010 in Arizona by Governor Jan Brewer, Republican) that granted law enforcement officials the right to stop and detain any person on 'reasonable suspicion they might be an undocumented (illegal) immigrant'.
- Taxes (sales, property, income) In 2012, the debate about taxation included increasing taxes among the wealthiest Americans. The Obama Administration supported the increase of taxes. The Republican Party believed that the increase of taxation in the wealthiest of Americans would impact job and economic recovery needed after an economic recession.
- Same sex marriage - The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed in September 21, 1996 by President Bill Clinton. It defines marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman. Since then, the topic and definition of marriage has been under debate with Barak Obama stating that he would repeal DOMA. Both sides of this issue have engaged in strong debate and the issue continues.
Individual areas and states can differ in public policy because their citizens may have different background, needs, and beliefs. For example, immigration reform is going to be more of an issue in border a state than it would be in a state like Iowa. Therefore, politicians in border-states are going to have to understand their voter's beliefs and wants in those states and form their platforms and policies around those.
Instructions: Look at the cartoon below then answer the following question.

Based on the cartoon, you could infer that the artist:
- Recommends immigration reform and an open door policy for letting people enter the United States.
- It is difficult for immigrants to enter the United States because they are considered undesirable.
- The United States is not restricting immigration and allowing dangerous people into the country.
- Because of immigration restrictions, people have to leave the United States.
A political cartoon is a primary source, a first hand account of an event. They are meant to make you draw a conclusion about a specific topic.